Daily Walk Around Check and Defect Report Book

Record your daily vehicle walk-around checks easily using the standardised checklist and report any defect to your Line Manager.

50 duplicate numbered page setts

HGV Books € 5.00, PSV & LGV Books for € 4.50

HGV Daily Walk Around Check and Defect Report Book
PSV Daily Walk Around Check and Defect Report Book
LGV Daily Walk Around Check and Defect Report Book

What do daily walk-around checks entail?

“Walk around” daily checks before driving the vehicle are a simple and effective way to spot potentially dangerous issues before vehicles are used. These walk-around checks may be carried out by any person trained to conduct such checks (including drivers or mechanics)

Potential roadworthiness issues can also be identified during driving, and therefore you should seek driver feedback as a source of information on vehicle condition.

As the owner, user or driver of a commercial vehicle, you must ensure that a walk-around vehicle inspection is carried out before the vehicle is used on a public road.

Obligations in relation to the recording of defects
For the daily walk-around check to be effective, you must have a system in place for reporting and recording vehicle defects. It is a good practice to give drivers a book of check sheets and defect forms where they can record all completed checks and any defects, as in the following books.

HCV Daily Walk Around Check and Defect Report Book
PSV Daily Walk Around Check and Defect Report Book
LCV Daily Walk Around Check and Defect Report Book